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Why would I use an antibacterial regularly on my skin? Developing a daily regimen is the only way to kill the germs that you come in contact with effectively. It does you very little good to kill germs in the morning or afternoon but not at night or in specific environments or situations. One of the most important reasons to use PureWorks skin care products is to promote good skin health. Clean, healthy skin is the best defense against skin infections. The gentle emollients in our products help moisturize the skin and make it feel soft and supple, thus helping to avoid the discomfort of dry, cracked skin that is often more susceptible to the risk of infection. What is your idea of a health regimen?Personally, I use the product line many times per day. I use it after I shower, before I eat, after using the restroom, after any visit to Doctors’ offices or hospitals. I use it on my face after shaving and on my feet morning and night. I have discovered that the product makes my skin feel soft and smooth. When my skin feels great, I feel better. The best way to create the habit of a health regimen is to keep the PureWorks products at your fingertips. I recommend putting one in every car, every bathroom in your house, your office, your diaper bag, your briefcase, etc. What does persistence mean?Persistence refers to the ability of the active antimicrobial ingredient to remain on the skin after application of the product. This property of persistence is one of the advantages of antiseptic products. Our products provide extended protection and promote healthy skin for hours after application. What is a pathogen?The term, pathogen, is derived from the Greek pathos meaning “suffering.” Today, the definition of a pathogen is a parasitic organism that causes disease in its host organism. Flu, colds, and infections, are examples of diseases caused by pathogens. What does cationic mean?In chemical terms, cationic means “positively charged.” Quaternary ammonium compounds, like those found in the PureWorks products, are cationic. This positive charge is partially responsible for the attraction of these ingredients to the skin, which possesses negatively charged molecules. This attraction to the skin is the reason for the quaternary ammonium compounds’ persistence, or lingering presence. This can result in prolonged protection and conditioning of the skin for an extended period following application. What is benzethonium chloride?Benzethonium chloride is the active ingredient in PureWorks’ skin care products. This ingredient is a quaternary ammonium compound and has been around since 1938. It is FDA approved and is safe and effective as an active ingredient in first aid antiseptic products. It is highly effective as a first aid antiseptic at a relatively low concentration of 0.2%(m/v) and exhibits conditioning properties that make your skin feel great. The formal chemical name and chemical structure for this complex quaternary ammonium compound are as follows: N,N-dimethyl-N-[2-[2-[4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenoxy]ethoxy]ethyl]benzene-methanaminium chloride. What is a Quaternary Ammonium Compound?Quaternary ammonium chlorides occupy a unique niche in the world of antimicrobial compounds. They are a diverse, eclectic collection of substances that share a common chemical motif, namely a molecular structure containing a positively charged nitrogen atom covalently bonded to four carbon atoms. This quaternary ammonium group is responsible for the name of these antimicrobial compounds and also plays a dominant role in determining their chemical behavior. What is propylene glycol?Propylene glycol is an emollient used in many types of medical care products, including those applied to the skin or taken internally. Propylene glycol is found in medical products such as cough syrups and skin care products. It is safe and imparts unique attributes when formulated into such products. What is the difference between propylene glycol and ethylene glycol?Propylene glycol is much different than ethylene glycol. The term “glycol” actually refers to organic chemical structures that contain twin hydroxyl groups on neighboring carbon atoms. This common functional group is present in many different kinds of molecules. For example, all food carbohydrates contain glycol groups. Ethylene glycol is a toxic glycol used extensively in aqueous cooling systems (such as automotive “antifreeze” to prevent freezing in cold weather). Propylene glycol is very different, containing an extra carbon atom in its chemical structure that dramatically changes its chemical and biological properties. Unlike ethylene glycol, propylene glycol is safe for use in both topical and internally-consumed products. Why hasn’t this technology come out before?Although quaternary ammonium compounds have been around for decades, they present unique challenges to formulating chemists. Each unique quaternary ammonium compound exhibits its own level of anti-microbial activity and is affected differently by the chemical ingredients they are combined with during formulation. Some components reduce their activity, while others may synergize efficiency or expand the spectrum of their activity against various micro-organisms. Years of research and testing were required to produce the highly-effective PureWorks products we have today. How long have QUATS been used?The first QUATS were introduced almost one-hundred years ago. Similar to soap molecules, but with an opposite charge, they were sometimes called “invert soaps.” Over the years, a multitude of QUATS have been synthesized, generating a wide variety of these useful compounds. QUATS are formulated into many different types of products ranging from hair conditioners and sophisticated skin care products to cleaners and disinfectants. What does the FDA say about this product?The FDA does not “approve” over-the-counter (OTC) drug products. It does publish monographs that state guidelines for the production and labeling of OTC products. PureWorks topical skin care products are designed to comply with all FDA requirements for their respective requirements. Hence, our products are said to be “FDA compliant” but technically not “FDA approved.” Describe your product compliance.All PureWorks products are compliant with the governmental regulations where they are sold. In the USA, their topical skin-care products are compliant with the FDA regulations governing these products. PureWorks’ Hard Surface Disinfectant is officially approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In fact, PureWorks products are registered in every state where they are sold. Similarly, each regulated product shall be properly registered and shall comply with appropriate regulations in the country where it is sold. Does this product kill viruses?PureWorks’ One-step Hard Surface Disinfectant kills a wide variety of viruses, including Hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), Herpes Simplex virus Types 1 and 2, HIV-1 (the AIDS Virus), Influenza Type A, Respiratory Syncytical Virus (RSV), Vaccinia (Pox Virus). It is also effective against animal viruses such as Avian influenza Virus, Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus, Canine Distemper Virus, Newcastles’ Disease Virus, and Pseudorabies Virus. In addition, this product is active against a broad spectrum of bacteria, fungi, and molds. This activity is provided by the broad-spectrum quaternary ammonium compounds (QUATS) that are the active ingredients in the PureWorks One-step Hard Surface Disinfectant. While PureWorks topical skin care products also contain QUATS as the active ingredients, current regulations in the USA do not allow claims about any type of anti-viral activity for this type of product. Therefore, we emphatically state that all PureWorks skin-care products sold in the USA do NOT exhibit any anti-viral activity. In fact, to the best of our knowledge, there is currently no FDA monograph allowing any such claim for any such product sold in the USA. No one should assume or state that any PureWorks OTC skin-care products have any biocidal activity other than the antibacterial claims allowed by law. Do any of your products kill the Avian Flu Virus?Yes, the PureWorks’ One-step Hard Surface Disinfectant inactivates both the “Avian Influenza Virus” and the “Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus.” These claims are proven by extensive testing and are approved claims as allowed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). All PureWorks products contain the powerful disinfectant active ingredients called quaternary ammonium compounds or “QUATS.” QUATS are positively charged molecules with relatively long hydrophobic “tails.” These molecules eliminate bacteria by destroying their outer membranes and literally dissolving bacteria. At lower concentrations, QUATS interfere with normal membrane function, rapidly killing the bacteria. QUATS kill viruses by binding to their external coats, preventing normal function and even denaturing their protective coatings. QUATS are highly effective, quick-acting germicidal agents that are not toxic to humans or animals. Why do many people say we cripple our immune system by using anti-bacterials?The word immune is derived from the Latin immuno, meaning “safe” or “free from.” Naturally acquired active immunity begins after birth, as the body develops antibodies to protect it from invading pathogens. Throughout life, the immune system continues to sense and respond to such invasions. Immunity is the result of the immune system’s ability to produce antibodies to pathogens that it has previously encountered, often following a past illness. People mistakenly believe that if they kill the germs that they come in contact with on a daily basis they will somehow weaken their immune system. There is no scientific data to support that claim. In fact, some diseases are so aggressive that the patient may die before their immune system can respond. Or, since pathogens are constantly changing, immunity based upon earlier infections may not respond to the new pathogen. Perhaps the question one should ask is, “Why should I have to get sick to develop immunity for the next infection?” By employing a health-conscience regime of hand washing, proper diet, and appropriate use of disinfects, a person may help to avoid infections. This is particularly true for infections of the skin, where infectious bacteria can invade small cuts or scrapes. PureWorks Antibacterial Foam, Lotion and Spray are excellent at helping to protect against the risk of infection on the surface of the skin, where antibodies are slow to respond. PureWorks products add valuable dimensions to assist the immune system in helping to prevent infection. Is this product safe to use multiple times per day?Yes. Our entire product line is designed to be used several times per day. For example, PureWorks One-step Hard Surface Disinfectant should be used to disinfect surfaces in the kitchen before meals and clean up tables, chairs, and cabinet tops after eating. Apply to doorknobs, railings, and other surfaces where frequent hand-contact occurs. Since flu viruses can survive on such surfaces for hours, make it habit to disinfect these surfaces multiple times every day. PureWorks’ Antibacterial Foam is safe for use on adults and children. We believe that this product is the best product on the market for children. It does not contain flammable alcohol and does not sting in cuts and scrapes. It does not absorb through their skin, but stays on the surface, affording extended protection even with their active lifestyle. Kids love the look and feel of the product and actually have fun applying the foam to their skin. Of course, caution must always be used for any product when applying to young children, especially if they can not communicate their dislike of a product. Never apply any product to young children that may cause any discomfort, and if you sense any negative reaction, stop using the product immediately. Is this product an antibiotic?No it is not. It contains no antibiotics. Antibiotics are inhibitors of specific metabolic pathways in living organisms. PureWorks’ products dissolve bacterial and as such are not classified as antibiotics like penicillin, tetracycline, triclosan, etc. Does this product use pesticides?None of the PureWorks topical skin care products are pesticides, nor do they include ingredients that are considered pesticides.
This product is so unique that it requires some education in order for the consumer to understand what they really have. Most people have no idea what they are doing to themselves when they use products like alcohol and antibiotics. They don’t realize that alcohol has no persistence or that it is flammable. People don’t understand what a proper health regimen is and how to best use our product line. People don’t know that alcohol gels will dispense only 15 to 18 pumps per ounce and our foam will give you over 80 pumps per ounce. Our product sells best when you actually feel it on your skin and notice an immediate difference in how your skin looks and feels. This education is available in a person to person presentation. Direct sales is the perfect model to help us evangelize this line effectively and quickly. Our mission is to get it into the hands of all human beings. Direct sales will make that a reality. Does PureWorks contribute to charities and humanitarian groups?We have contributed to humanitarian efforts and will contribute generously to a number of charitable organizations including humanitarian aid organizations. How can I become a distributor?You can become a distributor in any of the following three ways: 1. Contact your nearest PureWorks Independent Distributor 2. Obtain a Distributor Application and order your Starter Kit at www.mypureworks.com; or 3. Call us at 801-262-PURE (7873). Is there a separation between a consumer and distributor in your company?Yes. We separate the two because they are vastly different. We will market, support and educate each group differently. Our company is a product company and we will always actively promote our products. We will only talk business opportunities with those who want that avenue. Those who just want product will have that option. What is your company’s position on compliance with legal requirements?We are experts at building professional businesses and are committed to complying with all applicable laws. We will operate PureWorks in a professional and prudent manner. In our minds there is no other way. Our policies and procedures, as well as our practices, will comply with applicable federal and state law. Our policies and procedures can be found online at www.protectedbypureworks.com. What is your corporate mission statement and tag line?Mission Statement: We will increase the quality of life of individuals worldwide by promoting their physical and financial well being through advanced health and wellness products designed to make a noticeable difference in their lives, families, and communities. We will provide a world class business opportunity that will assist them in meeting their dreams of increased financial security and personal freedom. We are dedicated to a life of PureWorks. Tag Line: This is a major concern in the health care industry. People call certain strains of bacteria that have mutated and developed a resistance to antibiotics “super bugs” or “super germs.” Examples of these bacteria include Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Vancomycin Intermediate Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (VISA), and Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE). PureWorks One-step Disinfectant is highly effective at killing all of the organisms and affords the best protection available against these organisms as well as a broad spectrum of other infectious organisms. Will this product kill my “good bacteria”?No, it will not. Your good bacteria are inside your body, generally in your digestive tract. Since no one should ever drink our products, you will not be affecting the “Good Bacteria”. People are often confused because the use of antibiotics kills all bacteria in your system. Our product line does not utilize antibiotics of any kind. How should I apply this product?Apply PureWorks topically to the skin frequently, as many as 6-10 times per day. Will this product reduce my acne?None of the PureWorks line of products is approved for treatment of acne. Will PureWorks products work on cold sores?None of the PureWorks line of products is approved for treatment of cold sores. Will PureWorks’ products kill foot fungus?PureWorks’ One-step Hard Surface Disinfectant is an excellent fungicide, with demonstrated activity against Trichophyton mentagrophytes (the Athlete’s Foot Fungus). When used as directed, it is highly effective at disinfecting hard surfaces harboring this virus in bathrooms, shower and bath areas, athletic facilities, walls, and even whirlpool bathtubs. PureWorks skin-care products are not FDA-approved as a treatment for foot fungus on the skin. Can this product be used as an effective soak for medical instruments?This product is not approved as an instrument soak. How many applications per bottle?Our 7 oz foam bottle will yield nearly 580 applications. Our 2.5 oz bottle of foam will yield nearly 220 applications. What is the cost per application for this product? Most alcohol based products have only a few seconds to effectively kill germs, as the alcohol evaporates quickly. Alcohol concentrations of at 62% are required to act as an effective bacteria killer. Why not use 100% alcohol instead of 62% alcohol?Why use alcohol at all? How does alcohol dry the skin?Alcohol is a solvent that extracts the natural oils from the skin, a process sometimes called “de-fatting.” Loss of these natural oils makes your skin dry cracked and inflexible. Thousands of small “micro” cracks can be caused by each application of alcohol products. Are alcohol products effective at all?Yes. Alcohol at 62% to 67% will kill germs on your skin for during application. However, there is no germ killing persistence once it has evaporated. Does this product get absorbed by my skin?No. Our active ingredient benzethonium chloride is a Quaternary Ammonium Compound (QUAT). QUATS do not absorb into your epidermis, fats or deep tissue. All of the PureWorks products contain the powerful disinfectant active ingredients called quaternary ammonium compounds or “QUATS.” QUATS are positively charged molecules with relatively long hydrophobic “tails.” These molecules destroy bacteria by destroying their outer membranes and literally dissolving bacteria. At lower concentrations, QUATS interfere with normal membrane function, rapidly killing the bacteria. QUATS kill viruses by binding to their external coats, preventing normal function or even denaturing their protective coatings. QUATS are highly effective, quick-acting germicidal agents that are not toxic to humans or animals. Does this product sting in wounds?No. There is no sting with our foam or spray products. Occasionally, a customer has said that our antibacterial lotion will sting somewhat in a deep wound, while the PureWorks Antibacterial Foam does not. As we state on the label of each of these products, discontinue use immediately if you experience discomfort. Deep wounds should be seen and treated by trained medical professionals. Can your lotion be used as soap?Our lotion is also an excellent non-foaming soap. It will not foam because the skin-conditioning components that enhance the feel of this soap are non-foaming ingredients. People who must wash their hands dozens of times each day enjoy using this “lotion-soap” because the more it is used, the better the skin feels. Also, people who experience skin irritation from traditional soaps should try using this non-foaming lotion-soap, as many customers have said that their skin actually improves when using this PureWorks product as compared to traditional soaps. Do you hold patents on these products?On March 20, 2007, PureWorks' first patent was issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office for our PureWorks Antibacterial Lotion. The patent grants a number of claims that protect PureWorks products and clearly validate the unique nature of our products. We currently have patents pending on our other products. Your lotion says that it is alcohol free, but it states alcohol in the ingredient list. Why?Our ingredient list shows cetearyl alcohol. This long-chain alcohol is actually a skin-emollient that helps skin feel smooth and soft. It should not be confused with the lower-molecular weight alcohols such as methanol, ethanol, or isopropyl alcohol. These types of alcohols are actually chemical solvents that can damage the skin. Even the FDA recognizes this fact and states on their website that long-chain alcohols such as cetearyl alcohol are not considered “alcohols” for the purpose of labeling of skin-care products. Hence, products containing cetearyl alcohol may be labeled “alcohol free.” Are the inactive ingredients listed by quantity or alphabetically?The FDA requires that ingredients in all OTC drug products be listed alphabetically on their labels. |